Become a Member
How to Become a Member:
Joining the Georgia Tech Society of Black Engineers opens doors to a network of professional growth and opportunity. To become a member, follow the steps below.
Steps to Join:
Apply Online: In order to become a GTSBE member, you must apply to become a national member and pay national NSBE dues through their website first. Click here to start your national application.
Pay Your Dues: After paying your $15.00 National NSBE dues, you also need to pay your $7.00 dues to the the Georgia Tech Society of Black Engineers Cash App. Our cashtag is : $1976gtsbe
Join the GT Engage: This step is crucial for joining the mailing list, running in elections and voting in elections. Follow this link, sign in and request to become a member and we will approve your membership. If you still have not been approved as a member after a week please reach out to us with this email.
Complete the Membership Status Form Below: Be sure to fill out the form below!
For any questions or assistance with the application or payment process, please contact our membership chair at gtsbe.membership@gmail.com
Join us today and become a part of a thriving community dedicated to engineering excellence and innovation!
Members Recieve:
Membership level pricing for conferences
The opportunity to gain discounts on conferences via props-points
GTSBE t-shirt
Access to our resources and community