Meet Our Executive Board

Janna Stewartson
My name is Janna Stewartson, and I am proud to serve as the 2024-2025 President of the Georgia Tech Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers (GTSBE). I am currently a fourth year student, studying Mechanical Engineering, with a passion for innovation and leadership. When I stepped on campus in 2021, the first organization that welcomed me with open arms was GTSBE.
As Vice President of LDR, GTSBE’s Freshman Component, I gained so much more than
professional development. I gained a family. Since then, GTSBE has been an ever present force in my life, challenging me to be a better leader, an exceptional professional, and a positive reflection of my community. This is why I committed to serving as an Executive Leader for the past two years, and now as President. Like most of our membership, many of my most treasured memories, during my time at Georgia Tech, were made while serving with GTSBE. From going to see the Atlanta Hawks in the State Farm Arena, to meeting engineers from around the country at NSBE’s 50th National Convention, GTSBE has taken me to places, and put me in rooms, that I never thought I would step foot into. As Treasurer, I spent an entire year handing out food after every single General Body Meeting(GBM). I not only got to know the faces and names of our most active GTSBE Family members, but I also got to listen to their goals, aspirations, and hardships. I listened to several students tell me about the internships they wanted, watched them connect with those same companies at our GBMs, and celebrated with them when they were finally offered the professional opportunities that they had dreamed about all year. Watching GTSBE help dreams come true is the reason why the our vision for this year is D.R.E.A.M:
Disrupt Tradition. Rally Behind Community. Expand our Reach.
Advocate for Equity. Mentor the Future.
As Finance Chair and Treasurer, I had the unique opportunity to get to know our Corporate
Family personally. I know first hand that helping our membership reach their goals, and turn their dreams into reality is your goal as well. You are an integral part of our community, and it goes without saying that we would not be able to serve our membership if it wasn’t for your ongoing and generous support. Thank you! Thank you for your commitment to the GTSBE family. Thank you for your investment in our growing potential. Thank you for your guidance. As we continue to serve the students of Georgia Tech my goal is to continue nurturing our relationship with you and make sure we make dreams come true. Once again, thank you!